
Spamikaze is a collection of programs to easily build a DNSBL, also known as a spam block list.


Unlike some other spam block systems, Spamikaze does no tests for open proxy or open relay vulnerabilities.

Spamikaze is passive and completely driven by mail coming into a system's spamtrap addresses. In order to reduce the false positives (depending on your point of view) inherent in such a scheme, Spamikaze uses some regular expressions to weed out obvious non-spam mails. It can also use whitelists to exclude known mail servers from being listed.

Spamikaze is free software, available under the GPL.

If you plan to run a spam block list, Spamikaze should make your life easier.


The current version of Spamikaze is 0.2; the software is stable but does not yet have all the fancy features that are [:DevelopmentTodo:planned] for the future.

A number of [:SpamikazeLists:DNSBLs] use Spamikaze in production.

Basic requirements

Spamikaze runs on:

Spamikaze is designed to be easily customizable and extensible. The various components of a Spamikaze setup do not need to run on the same computer.

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SpamikazeWiki: FrontPage (last edited 2010-01-19 15:31:30 by c)