#acl All:read,write A list of DNSBLs that run Spamikaze. attachment:powered-by-spamikaze.jpg Many of these lists run with a modified Spamikaze, resulting in slightly different listing policies. Spamtrap "coverage" and the [http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/HammondOrgans whitelists] used are also different, so not every list ends up listing the same addresses. If you know of a Spamikaze using DNSBL that isn't on this list, please add it. * [http://www.dyndns.com/support/services/mailhop/spamblock/spamikaze.html dyndns.com] * [http://www.spamdnsbl.net/ SpamDNSbl.net] * [http://hundertjahre.blog.de/ 100 alt] * [http://numpangpromo.com/pasang-iklan-gratis/ kunjungi] * [http://numpangpromo.com/ iklan baris gratis]